The R&B Lavender Story...

R&B Lavender started as an idea born from a move that was life changing for us. We both grew up in the city and like many urban dwellers never really had a thought about living anywhere else, until... 

Sometimes life just takes you in a direction that you never anticipated. In 2010 we had a significant family crisis that changed our lives completely. The next few years were anything but normal and our ideals and ideas were changing. We started talking about moving out of the city. At first it was just conversation and I don’t think either of us took it too seriously but then as we started to do a little research and the idea began to appeal to us so we started to look at properties. This was the beginning.

In late 2013 we purchased a 22 acre property west of the City of London in the rural area of the municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc. The property was unkempt, mostly overgrown but had an organic beauty under it all. We had an idea. In the summer of 2014 we planted our first lavender plant on “the hill” in the back area of our property. We first wanted to see how well these plants would grow here. To our surprise it did quite well, so we planted more. Over the course of the next several years we cleared a lot of the brush and planted more and more lavender. As we are both also working full-time jobs off the farm it has taken time and a lot of effort. In 2018 we registered our name and R&B lavender was born.