Our Lavender Farm Adventure

Our Lavender Farm Adventure

So, picture this: a couple decides to leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind and move to a farm in 2014. They had a dream, a vision, and a whole lot of determination. What did they decide to grow on their farm, you ask? Lavender! Yes, you heard that right, lavender.

How did it all begin?

Well, starting small. We planted a single lavender plant our first spring on the farm in 2014 and watched it grow. The following year it was not only surviving but prospering so we added some more plants. Over the years we added more and more plants of differing variety and created a lavender oasis. It wasn't easy, let me tell you. It was hard work, and there were ups and downs, but we never gave up. Slowly but surely, our lavender farm started to flourish.

When did things really take off?

Fast forward to 2020, and guess what? We decided to take our lavender business to the next level by opening an online store. Talk about modern farmers, am I right? We also started as a vendor that summer at a local market, the Komoka Community Market, spreading the lavender love far and wide. That was the first year of the pandemic so it was an interesting way to start out but that market was (is) awesome. It provided a way for people to get out and interact and it was a lot of fun. We continue as vendors even now in 2024. I should mention that all this time we both had careers off the farm so we were working full time and building this lavender farm at the same time. In the spring of 2023 we both retired from our careers and focused on the farm and markets.

How big is our lavender empire now?

Well, maybe not an empire but in our minds definitely a jewel of a farm. We currently have about 3000 lavender plants including two species and 7 cultivars. That's right, we've become (sort of) lavender experts, lavender aficionados, lavender connoisseurs. Our farm is a lavender paradise, a lavender haven, a lavender extravaganza.

So, there you have it, folks. From city slickers to lavender lovers who have developed a love for the natural setting. Just what the doctor ordered!

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